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330 Episodes

January 1, 2022

S13 • E1
This time on CNTV News, meet a young Chickasaw who overcame health challenges and hear from two sisters who won the Anoli Creative Writing Contest.

January 15, 2022

S13 • E2
In this episode of CNTV News, learn about two new Chickasaw Press books and meet a young winner of the Anoli Creative Writing Contest.

July 15, 2022

S13 • E14
Meet Chickasaw illustrator Madie Goodnight and Artesian Arts Festival Best of Show winner Tyra Shackleford, plus much more!

August 2010

S1 • E1
In August's episode of CNTV News, see the new Chickasaw Nation Medical Center and the 2010 Hall of Fame inductees.

September 2010

S1 • E2
Catch all the highlights of September's events, including a screening of Pearl at a "fly-in" theatre.

January 1, 2011

S2 • E1
The hosts of CNTV News bring in the new year at the newly restored Chickasaw Capitol.

January 15, 2011

S2 • E2
Enjoy this episode of CNTV News as hosts Brad Clonch and Quin Tran bring you stories to add to a healthy focus for the new year.

February 1, 2011

S2 • E3
The hosts bring you this episode of CNTV News with timely information about state-of-the-art equipment at the Chickasaw Nation Medical Center.

February 15, 2011

S2 • E4
Hosts Brad Clonch and Quin Tran bring you this episode of CNTV News with timely information regarding “Children’s Dental Health Month."

March 1, 2011

S2 • E5
Hosts Brad Clonch and Quin Tran bring you this episode of CNTV News with timely information about the groundbreaking of a health clinic expansion.

March 15, 2011

S2 • E6
Learn about an upcoming deadline for college students who would like to apply for internships and two youth events on the calendar in March.

April 1, 2011

S2 • E7
Hosts Brad Clonch and Quin Tran deliver new stories in this episode of CNTV News.

April 15, 2011

S2 • E8
Hosts Brad Clonch and Quin Tran deliver the new and the newsworthy in this episode of CNTV News.

May 1, 2011

S2 • E9
Hosts Brad Clonch and Quin Tran bring another episode of CNTV News to the network.

May 15, 2011

S2 • E10
In this episode, we'll meet a range of dynamic Chickasaw women at the Dynamic Women of the Chickasaw Nation Conference.

June 1, 2011

S2 • E11
Welcome to the June 1 episode of CNTV News, the place for what's new and what's happening in the Chickasaw Nation.

June 15, 2011

S2 • E12
Welcome to the June 15 episode of CNTV News, with hosts Brad Clonch and Quin Tran.

July 1, 2011

S2 • E13
Hosts Brad Clonch and Quin Tran bring another episode of CNTV News to the Network. This week is all about living life to the fullest.

July 15, 2011

S2 • E14
Join Brad and Quin for a look at the new Holisso Research Center in Sulphur and Dr. Suzanne Van Cooten at the National Weather Center.

August 1, 2011

S2 • E15
This week is all about children: join Brad and Quin as they take a look at the news for the kids this week on CNTV News.


1 Series


The Latest News and Information from the Chickasaw Nation
CNTV News is a bi-monthly video news magazine highlighting the latest information from the Chickasaw Nation.


321 Videos

December 1, 2011: Brent Greenwood's Paris Exhibition

Chickasaw Nation News
Eleven American Indian artists from Oklahoma were invited to participate in the 2011 exhibit of the Salon du Dessin et de la Peinture à l'Eau.

October 2010 – Legacy of Our Journey

Chickasaw Nation News
"Ladies and gentlemen, it is my honor to report to you that the state of the Chickasaw Nation is strong."

October 2010 – Pearl Showing at Warren Theater

Chickasaw Nation News
More citizens had the opportunity to see the movie Pearl when it showed recently at the Warren Theater in Moore.

October 2010 – Chickasaw Cultural Evening

Chickasaw Nation News
Preserving and sharing the Chickasaw story were central themes of the 10th annual Chickasaw Cultural Evening.

October 2010 – Chickasaw Nation Princess Pageant

Chickasaw Nation News
The 2010-2011 Chickasaw Princess Pageant was held in Ada Tuesday, Sept. 28.

October 2010 – Arts and Cultural Awards

Chickasaw Nation News
Mildred "Millie" Blackman was named Dynamic Woman of the Year at 2010's Arts and Cultural Awards.

October 2010 – SCORE Radio Dedication Event

Chickasaw Nation News
Governor Anoatubby joined tribal legislators, local dignitaries and state radio industry professionals to celebrate an update to the facilities.

October 2010 – Tracie Tuck-Davis, Storyteller on Canvas

Chickasaw Nation News
The McSwain Theatre Art Gallery was recently host to an exhibit titled "Ancient to Abstract" by Tracie Tuck-Davis.

September 2010 – Tony Choate Mission Trip

Chickasaw Nation News
Tony Choate describes a recent mission trip he and members of his church took to Africa.

September 2010 – Pearl at Air Show

Chickasaw Nation News
The movie Pearl received the rapt attention of the aviation world when it was shown at a "fly-in" theatre.

September 2010 – Chickasaw Hall of Fame Ceremony

Chickasaw Nation News
In 2010, the Chickasaw Nation continued its tradition of honoring individuals who have made great and noble contributions to the Nation.

September 2010 – Chickasaw Honor Garden Dedication

Chickasaw Nation News
CNTV News brings you the story of the Chickasaw Cultural Center Honor Garden dedication, held recently in Sulphur.

August 2010 – Employee Spotlight: Debbie Jackson

Chickasaw Nation News
Debbie Jackson was featured in the Employee Spotlight for the Chickasaw Nation.

August 2010 – Chickasaw Medical Center

Chickasaw Nation News
August's episode of CNTV features the opening of the Chickasaw Nation Medical Center.

August 2010 – Chickasaw Hall of Fame Profiles

Chickasaw Nation News
See the profiles of the 2010 inductees to the Chickasaw Hall of Fame.

August 2010 – Cultural Center Opening Story

Chickasaw Nation News
The Chickasaw Cultural Center recently opened in Sulphur, Oklahoma.

November/December 2010 – First Baby Born at CNMC

Chickasaw Nation News
Briar Lane Ross, child of parents Rehysa and James Ross of Ada, Okla., was the first baby born at the Chickasaw Nation Medical Center.

November/December 2010 – Veterans Visit D.C; Tell Stories

Chickasaw Nation News
This year's annual Chickasaw elder veterans' trip to Washington, D.C. gave the veterans a chance to tell their stories.

November/December 2010 – Bedré Gears up for Holidays

Chickasaw Nation News
The holiday season means spending time with loved ones, giving gifts –and of course, great food. The staff of Bedré Chocolates is hard at work.

November/December 2010 – Harvest Fest Held in Emet

Chickasaw Nation News
The Chickasaw White House in Emet, Okla., was recently host to the third-annual Harvest Festival.


2 Profiles

Quin Tran

Oklahoma native bringing her award-winning journalism to the Chickasaw Nation
Quin Tran is the co-host of the bimonthly video news magazine, CNTV News.

Brad Clonch

The face of CNTV News and flute-centric Native American music group, Injunuity
Brad Clonch is the co-host of the bimonthly video news magazine, CNTV News.