Traditional Stories

Told By Fluent Chickasaw Speakers

Long before the written word, traditional Chickasaw stories were passed down orally from generation to generation. Hear them told by fluent Chickasaw speakers.

13 Items

Long Ago the Crayfish Made the Land

S3 • E84
In episode 84 of Rosetta Stone Chickasaw, after the crawdad boil, Lili' tells a traditional Chickasaw story.

Long Ago Turkey Put On Hair Around His Neck

S3 • E88
In episode 88 of Rosetta Stone Chickasaw, Grandpa Charlie tells Taloowa' and Nashoba a traditional Chickasaw story.

Long Ago Rabbit's Tail Was Long

S3 • E95
In episode 95 of Rosetta Stone Chickasaw, Lili' tells the traditional Chickasaw story, "Long Ago Rabbit's Tail Was Long."

Long Ago Turtle's Shell Was Cracked

S3 • E97
In episode 97 of Rosetta Stone Chickasaw, Grandpa Charlie tells Taloowa' and Nashoba a traditional Chickasaw story.

One Time Crow Lost His Beak

S3 • E99
In episode 99 of Rosetta Stone Chickasaw, see and hear an animated traditional Chickasaw story, "One Time Crow Lost His Beak."

Long Ago Skunk Was Big

S3 • E103
In episode 103 of Rosetta Stone Chickasaw, after seeing a skunk outside, Charlie tells the traditional Chickasaw story, "Long Ago Skunk Was Big."

Long Ago Duck Sang to the Coyote Cubs

S3 • E108
In episode 108 of Rosetta Stone Chickasaw, Charlie narrates the traditional Chickasaw story, "Long Ago Duck Sang to the Coyote Cubs."

Long Ago Rabbit Tricked Two Snakes

S3 • E113
In episode 113 of Rosetta Stone Chickasaw, Charlie tells the traditional Chickasaw story, "Long Ago Rabbit Tricked Two Snakes."

Long Ago They Divided the Day and Night

S3 • E117
In episode 117 of Rosetta Stone Chickasaw, Lili' tells the traditional Chickasaw story, "Long Ago They Divided the Day and Night."

Snake Woman

S3 • E119
In episode 119 of Rosetta Stone Chickasaw, Charlie tells Nashoba the traditional Chickasaw story "Snake Woman" after he finds two duck eggs.

Long Ago Possum's Tail Was Furry

S3 • E111
In episode 111 of Rosetta Stone Chickasaw, Lili' tells Taloowa' and Nashoba the traditional Chickasaw story, "Long Ago Possum's Tail Was Furry."

Taloowa' Tells Them a Story

S3 • E114
In episode 114 of Rosetta Stone Chickasaw, Taloowa' tells the children a traditional story at the Kids Speaking Chickasaw meeting.

Long Ago Possum's Mouth Was Stretched Out

S3 • E115
In episode 115 of Rosetta Stone Chickasaw, Charlie tells the traditional Chickasaw story, "Long Ago Possum's Mouth Was Stretched Out."