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18 Episodes

Holding Our Own in French Louisiana

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France arrived in North America with dreams of wealth and empire.

The Battle of Fallen Timbers

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In the summer of 1791, attacks on settlers in the Northwest Territory intensified.

The Lasting Historical Impact of the Chickasaws

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The Chickasaws’ strong position on the Mississippi River blocked the path of French colonization.

Chickasaws as Guardians of the Valley

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From the early 18th century until the Revolutionary War, Chickasaw warriors served a unique role as frontier guardsmen.

Defeating De Soto in the Battle of Chicasa

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Forcing their way into Chickasaw territory, Hernando de Soto and his brutal band of conquistadors took over an abandoned village.

George Colbert - War of 1812

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In Year Two of the War of 1812, Colonel John Coffee led 600 troops down the Natchez Trace.


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Chickasaw history is intertwined with the story of Tupelo and it remains deeply connected to the identity and heritage of the Chickasaw people.

Chickasaw Bluffs and Present-Day Memphis

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Centuries before the city of Memphis was built, the Mississippi overlook was known as the Chickasaw Bluffs.

Original Homeland in Alabama

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The Chickasaws lived and hunted in Alabama for thousands of years.

The Natchez Trace: An Ancient Footpath

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The Natchez Trace would become the artery of the young American republic.

Davy Crockett: An Early Supporter of Tribal Sovereignty

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Frontiersman Davy Crockett was a neighbor to the 19th century Chickasaw Nation and saw tribal sovereignty as the foundation of this country.

Piominko & Washington: A Friendship Cut Short

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In the aftermath of the Revolutionary War, many tribes faced a critical shortage of ammunition, including the Chickasaws.

George Washington and the Chickasaws: A Bond of Mutual Respect

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Soon after the Revolutionary War, Chickasaw leaders reached out to President Washington and Congress.

Treaty of Hopewell: A Broken Promise

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The Treaty of Hopewell was our first treaty with the U.S.

Payamataha's Pursuit of Peace

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When the Revolutionary War erupted, the Chickasaws perceived the conflict as "brothers fighting brothers."

Tribal Councils: Benjamin Franklin's Framework for Democracy

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Tribal council houses provided Benjamin Franklin and the newly independent United States a successful model of representative democracy.

Tishomingo: The Historic Chickasaw National Capitol

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The Historic Chickasaw National Capitol in Tishomingo stands as a symbol of the Chickasaw Nation's fight for tribal identity and independence.

A Promise from President Washington

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In July of 1794, Chickasaw leader Piominko and others journeyed to Philadelphia to meet with President Washington.


1 Series

Our History Is World History

Discover How the World Came to Our Door
Stories of the Chickasaw Nation, early America and the Age of Exploration are woven together to reveal a shared narrative.