Instrumental to the implementation of the first Chickasaw government and constitution

As the very first governor of the Chickasaw Nation, Cyrus Harris was at the core of implementing the first Chickasaw government and constitution. His formal education made him fluent in English and Chickasaw, and this helped bridge the gap with the U.S. government during legislative processes.

Harris was born in 1817, near Pontotoc, Mississippi, and received his education in the area. He lived elsewhere a few different times before settling at Mill Creek, where he stayed until his death in 1888.

His career in politics began in 1850, and in 1856, he was elected as the first governor of the Chickasaw Nation. He was reelected four more times. Although they fought for the Confederacy during the Civil War, the Chickasaw Nation experienced a time of peace and harmonious living during Harris’s time as governor.

Described as a man of "great generosity, integrity, patriotism and self-sacrifice," Harris lived a noble life, dedicated to serving the people of the Chickasaw Nation. He was present at numerous treaty signings and helped pave the way for future generations of Chickasaws.


  • First governor of the Chickasaw Nation
  • Inducted into the Chickasaw Hall of Fame in 2012
  • Established Chickasaw capital in Tishomingo

Governor Cyrus Harris Videos

3 Items

Harris was the first governor of the Chickasaw Nation and was at the core of implementing the first Chickasaw government and constitution.

Cyrus Harris

S1 • E2
Cyrus Harris emerged as a leader amidst the move to Indian Territory and became the first Governor of the Chickasaw Nation.

May 15, 2012

S3 • E10
This episode of CNTV News honors four Chickasaws inducted into the 2012 Chickasaw Hall of Fame, this month.

Cyrus Harris: Hall of Fame

2012 Inductee
Cyrus Harris was the first governor of the Chickasaw Nation and was an integral part in the implementation of the first Chickasaw government.