Early America Videos

As the British gained their edge over France, colonists began pressing for independence. The Revolutionary War confounded the Chickasaws.

13 Items

Peace Finally Emerges: The Treaty of Paris

Brad Lieb
The Treaty of Paris ended the French and Indian War in 1763 and began a new era of prosperity for the Chickasaws.

Treaty of Paris: French Cede Lands to the British

Richard Green
Tribal historian Richard Green explains this important chapter of 18th century history.

The Battle Between Colonists and the British: "Brothers Fighting Brothers"

Brad Lieb
As the American Revolution developed in the east, the Chickasaws did not get involved much, and were somewhat confused by the conflict.

Chickasaw Faction Aligns with Spain: Wolf's Friend

Richard Green
Piominko had the respect of many.

McGillivray and Wolf's Friend vs. Piominko

Richard Green
Tribal historian Richard Green illustrates the formation of rival factions. Alexander McGillivray and Wolf's Friend allied with the Spanish.

Piominko Befriends the Americans

Brad Lieb
"Mountain Leader" Piominko has been called "the American Indians' George Washington."

The 1786 Hopewell Treaty: Securing Our Boundaries

Brad Lieb
The Hopewell Treaty is displayed at the National Museum of the American Indian.

Piominko Signs Hopewell Treaty to Protect Boundaries

Richard Green
Piominko and several other minkos signed of the Hopewell Treaty, which defined the boundaries of the Chickasaw Nation.

The Treaty of Hopewell: 1st Chickasaw Treaty with the U.S.

Neal McCaleb
The Hopewell Treaty established a government-to-government relationship between the Chickasaw Nation and the newly formed United States.

George Washington Recognized Tribes as Sovereigns

Lisa Billy
George Washington believed in native people and recognized tribes in the U.S. Constitution as sovereign governments.

Piominko's Military Jacket

Jeannie Barbour
The military jacket was introduced to the Chickasaws by George Washington when he gave one to Piominko as a gift.

Piominko: Hall of Fame

2010 Inductee
Piominko served Chickasaws during the 18th century. He was born around 1750 at Chokkilissa' - Old Town, Mississippi.

The Chickasaws' Significance in the Founding of States

Wendy St. Jean
Wendy St. Jean discusses the Chickasaws' significance in the founding of various American states.