The Muscogee Creek Nation Videos

These Native American people are also known as the Muscogee (Creek) Nation and originated from the southeastern part of the United States.

5 Items

The Colonialists Encountered Other Tribes First

Richard Green
La Salle encountered the Chickasaw at Chickasaw Bluffs as he came sailing down the Mississippi River trying to connect New France.

The Creeks Were Also Allies of Spain

Richard Green
Early allies of Spain, the Creeks, were led by Principal Chief Alexander McGillivray, son of a trader (and only one-fourth Creek).

The Difference Between Chiefdoms and Tribes

Richard Green
Tribal historian Richard Green notes that tribes, which replaced chiefdoms, were ruled by consent rather than a divine leader.

Book Recommendation: Nairne's Muskhogean Journals

Richard Green
Tribal historian Richard Green cites several books he recommends to anyone interested in Chickasaw history.

The Origin of the Chickasaw Language

Joshua Hinson
Chickasaw is a language of the Muskogean family of Native American languages.