Nutrition Services

Registered dietitians promote healthy eating and exercise through multiple education programs provided by the Division of Health and Nutrition Services. Here, learn about the many ways in which this department is helping to better the health of the Nation's citizens.

8 Items

Chickasaw Nation Nutrition Services: The Mission

Melinda Newport
Registered dietitians promote healthy eating and exercise through multiple education programs.

Sarah Miracle: The Chickasaw Nation Nutrition Services

In Honor of Diabetes Awareness
The Chickasaw Nation Nutrition Services dedicates a lot of resources to diabetes prevention throughout the community.

Chickasaw Nation Nutrition Services: The Body Adventure

Melinda Newport
The human body becomes larger than life for a unique exploration geared toward kids.

Chickasaw Nation Nutrition Services: The Get Fresh! Program

Melinda Newport
Get Fresh! was developed to meet the needs of Chickasaw citizens based on their input and feedback.

Chickasaw Nation Nutrition Services: The Get Fresh! Cooking Shows

Melinda Newport
Great recipes and camaraderie are scheduled routinely at Chickasaw Nation Wellness and Food Distribution Centers.

Chickasaw Nation Nutrition Services: The Food Distribution Grocery Store

Melinda Newport
The Food Distribution program has advanced from previous years to these grocery stores, which were recognized with a national award.

Chickasaw Nation Nutrition Services: Breastfeeding Peer Counselor Program

Melinda Newport
Breastfeeding is healthy for baby and mom, so multiple support services and education are available through Nutrition Services.

Chickasaw Nation Nutrition Services: Something for Everyone

Melinda Newport
With a dozen registered dietitians on staff, Nutrition Services provides advice, cooking tips, recipes and Get Fresh! food preparation demonstrations.