Chickasaw Clan System

In the ancient days, clans helped govern and provide social structure to Native American villages. Each clan had a hierarchy reflected in the way they sat around the fire, how they conducted themselves in ceremonies and how their houses were positioned. Here, learn about those ancient clans and how they helped to develop Chickasaw society.

7 Items

Descending from Clans: A Matrilineal Society

Joshua Hinson
Joshua Hinson explains that traditionally, Chickasaw heritage descended solely from the female.

The Chickasaws: Clan System Enabled the "Indian Grapevine"

Richard Green, Author & Former Chickasaw Nation Historian
The clan system enabled the Chickasaws to trade with and be welcomed by other tribal members of the same clan.

The Ancient Language of Clans

Joshua Hinson
Joshua Hinson describes how his family learned the history of its clan, the Panther Clan.

Clan Systems in a Matrilineal Society

LaDonna Brown, Tribal Anthropologist, Department of History & Culture, Chickasaw Nation
LaDonna Brown explains how the clan system provided a societal structure for the southeastern tribes.

The Southeast Clan System Defined Societal Structure

LaDonna Brown, Tribal Anthropologist, Department of History & Culture, Chickasaw Nation
LaDonna elaborates on the societal structure clans provided, such as who could be leaders, doctors or warriors.

Muskogean Tribes: Clan Systems Organized Life

Joshua Hinson, Director, Language Department, Division of Culture & Humanities, Chickasaw Nation
Clan structure and the smaller house groups were organizing forces from the Mississippian period until the middle 1800s.

Lowak Costumes: Detail on Clans

Margaret Roach Wheeler
Margaret Wheeler provides some background on the clans, which governed and provided social structure to early Indian villages.